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Tree Management in Lakewood
Over the last couple of years, it’s clear there’s been an uptick in tree removals around the neighborhood—and the Lakewood Maintenance team takes careful deliberation of each tree removal; be it partially or fully dead, or infected with one of the major tree blights affecting three different tree species in…
Fall Brush & Yard Waste Reminder
As fall rolls in, we’d like to remind our residents that we have a strict no dumping policy for yard waste and brush on common ground, and to not block up storm drains when using leaf blowers or raking out lawns. Lee’s Summit Resource Recovery Park, which is located at…
Lake Treatement Update | May 13, 2024
With the amount of repetitive heavy rainfall we’ve had in the last week, we’ve continued to watch and evaluate for the optimal time to apply treatment to the lakes. On May 8, 2024, The lake water level was recorded at 6-8” inches over full pool. This means the East Lake…
Lakewood Improvement Proposals
📊🧮We would like to inform residents of the opportunity to suggest projects or improvements around Lakewood with the Lakewood Improvement Proposal form. This form can be found under our ONLINE FORMS SECTION to download and fill out. These can also be picked up at the LPOA offices. 📑💡 LIPs can look…
Lakewood Pleasure Docks | 2024 Replacement Progress
From Your Lakewood Maintenance Team 🛠🪚We are on track with our scheduled Pleasure Dock replacements for the 2024 year. Lakewood is currently in the middle of a 10-year project to replace old docks with newly updated docks, which began in 2016. All docks should be replaced by the year 2026. This past…
Things to Know Before it Snows
Snow Removal Policy Snow removal in Lakewood starts as soon as snow accumulation reaches two inches. The goal of the maintenance crew is to have all streets plowed and treated by 6:00 AM for the residents’ morning commute to work and school. Storms are unpredictable and come with many variables,…
Christmas Tree Disposal provided by Lakewood Community Services Staff
Did you know….Lakewood Community Services will pick up your live Christmas tree* for disposal? Christmas tree pick up will be available starting Tuesday, December 26 and end Friday, January 12. The cost is $5 per tree. Please call 816-373-4326 to schedule. Trees should be placed at the curb for pick…
Fall Brush & Yard Waste Reminders
As fall rolls in, we’d like to remind our residents that we have a strict no dumping policy for yard waste and brush on common ground, and to not block up storm drains when using leaf blowers or raking out lawns. Go here to recycle yard waste bags: $1/bag Lee’s…