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Throughout our 2200 acres of land, Lakewood manages almost 30,000 feet of sidewalk which is 5.5 miles of length. This is $2 million worth of sidewalks.

We are responsible for 100% of the sidewalks inside common ground, which includes behind homes, and paths leading to the lake. Normally the City of Lee’s Summit would manage the sidewalks down our main roads, but when our trees, planting, and equipment have caused damage to the sidewalks, they become our responsibility.

For more details about trees, go to the Landscaping Page, under “Expenses of Sidewalk Destruction Caused by Planting Trees Incorrectly

There’s approximately $250k in immediate repairs needed, as of 2023.

During March 2023, the Maintenance Department did a thorough review of the Private Sidewalk Repairs in Lakewood. It includes content on the following:

    • Damage Caused by Tree Roots
    • Stormwater Erosion Damage
    • Damage Caused by Heavy Equipment
    • Estimated Repair Quantities & Costs

Budgeting for Sidewalk Management

There used to be a line item in the Operating Budget under Maintenance, Operating Budget | Line item – 45-8215. This line item has been brought to zero, and relocated to the LIP Budget. It’s in the LIP budget because sidewalks are a capital expenditure, and they are fixed, tangible assets.

There are $250k in repairs needed, as estimated in 2023. As of the 2024 LIP Budget, the following expenditures have been budgeted: (See LIP Budget line item IV.e):

    • $81,030 – Carried over from 2023
    • $35,000 – Earmarked from 2024 reserves
    • This $116k will be earmarked and paid for in 2025
    • The remaining $109k (towards $250k) has not yet been allocated.


Finances for the Maintenance Department

Under the Operating Budget, the Maintenance Department is responsible for managing the following budgets:

    • Pools (040)
    • Maintenance (045)
    • Lake Management (050)
    • Marinas (055)

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