Envision Lakewood - Planning Today for Tomorrow
The Mission of Lakewood is to maintain and enhance the property values of its members and promote the development of a desirable residential community through projects, programs and services.
In January 2024, Lakewood began the process of creating a long term Strategic Vision, by establishing an Ad Hoc Vision Steering Committee to help oversee the process. The Strategic Vision will help provide guidance to the Board, Committees and Staff for future decisions around finance, facilities, and community culture. The Strategic Vision process is expected to take 6-12 months.

Ad Hoc Steering Committee Members
- Chair: Debbie Stalnaker
- Vice Chair: Sean Johnson
- Secretary: Jen DeMarco
- Members:
- Beth Cory
- Sarah Dau
- Diana Ewert
- Sherrie Fields
- Carole Gray
- Robert Hagedorn
- Claudia Lamb
- Aaron Potter
- Jamie Wheatley
- Josh Williams
- Board Liaison: Jon Snow
- Staff Liaison: Cariann Dureka, Director of Art & Communications
If you need additional information, please contact Committee Chair Debbie Stalnaker at (816) 699-6569.
2024 Vision Steering Committee Timeline

Phase 1 | Discovery Phase
During this phase, the Steering Committee will be working to identify professional consultant(s) to manage and implement the Strategic Planning process. Request For Proposals will be launched to solicit outside Consultant involvement.
March 26, 2024: Applications for Vision Steering Committee Members DUE
April 11, 2024: Vision Steering Committee Members were Ratified by the Board
April 22, 2024: First Vision Steering Committee Meeting – Request for Proposal (RFP) approved
May 8, 2024: RFP for Professional Consultant Search is published publicly online and put out for bid
May 30, 2024: Deadline for RFP Submittals, 5:00 PM
June 3, 2024: Vision Steering Committee Review RFP Submittals
June 18, 2024: Proposal Presentations Scheduled for Board/Vision Steering Committee
June 26, 2024: Vision Steering Committee Evaluation of Presentations
June 28, 2024: Vision Steering Committee Recommendation to Board
July 11, 2024: Board of Director Meeting to make decisions on how to Proceed
July 12, 2024: Consulting Firms notified of results from BOD decisions
Phase 2 | Committee Planning
August 1, 2024: Contract Signed with Shockey Consulting: Bi-Monthly calls with Shockey and Vision Steering Committee Chair. Strategic Plan targeted for Q1 of 2025.
August–September, 2024: Shockey conducted calls with several key stakeholders – including board members, committee chairs and Staff.
August 26–September 5, 2024: Stakeholder surveys were completed and sent to Shockey
Phase 3 | Community Outreach
September 9, 2024: Vision Kick-Off Meeting facilitated by Shockey Consulting. Attending were Vision Steering Committee members; Board members; Finance and Facilities & Development Committee Chairs; Golf Committee Chairs along with selected Staff.
September 16, 2024: Communication Planning – Vision Committee Chair, General Manager & Communications Director met with Shockey to review draft of initial survey and discuss communication delivery options.
September 23 & 30, 2024: Monday E-Blasts will announce the first in a series of surveys will be sent out on October 1, 2024, to residents.
October 1–15, 2024: First in a series on LPOA surveys were sent out to the community.
November 4, 2024: Shockey will facilitate an in-person workshop for the Steering Committee to review the initial survey results and discuss future surveys.
November 11-22, 2024: Lakewood Oaks Country Club (LOCC) survey was sent to Golf Membership only.
December 1-13, 2024: The second in a series of surveys was sent to LPOA residents.
December 12, 2024: Request was made to and approved by the Board to extend our Shockey Consulting contract from February 1st to March 30, 2024.
Phase 4 | Vision Casting
January 13, 2025: Shockey Consulting facilitated an in-person workshop with the Steering Committee. Survey results were analyzed and discussed for trends. Committee/Shockey began drafting a third and final survey and will follow with finalizing the components of the strategic plan.
Phase 5 | Strategy Development
Based on the Vision and our existing resources, the consultants will help to prepare a long term strategy.
Phase 6 | Approval & Implementation
We’ll work to gain approval on the Strategy and move forward implementing steps towards Lakewood’s future!
2024 Steering Committee Updates
Follow here to keep up with the progress of the Vision 2024 Strategic Vision. Updates will be kept here, and also under the Press Release section of our website.

Follow Along the Strategic Vision for Lakewood
The Mission of Lakewood is to maintain and enhance the property values of its members and promote the development of a desirable residential community through…

Vision Steering Committee Launches RFP for Strategic Planning Consultants
The 2024 Vision Steering Committee kicked off the Vision and Strategic Planning process for Lakewood. They are publishing a Request for Proposal, to seek outside professional consultants to partner with in…

Forming the Ad Hoc Vision Steering Committee
During March 2024, the LPOA Board began to seek applicants to join the new Vision Steering Committee: A motion passed to approve a new Vision…

2024 Strategic Vision Steering Committee Members Announced
We are pleased to announce that the Ad Hoc 2024 Strategic Vision Steering Committee was ratified at the last board meeting. We welcome the members…

A New Year & A New Strategic Vision
From the Boardroom Debbie Stalnaker, Board President (pulled from January 2024 Ripples From the Boardroom Article) Happy New Year! Welcoming the new year is a…
Jan 2024 | The Origin of the Vision 2024 Strategic Plan
Board President Debbie Stalnaker presented a proposal to request the launch of a Strategic Vision process.
The Board approved the motion, and directed staff to get quotes from consultants to facilitate a strategic 5-10 year plan for the LHC and LPOA. Motion made by Director Dave Petet, Director Kim Curran second. Carried 7/0.