Lakewood Lakes
Lakewood is home to two beautiful lakes, covering an area of roughly 365 acres. There is one beach (on Lake Drive) and there are multiple pleasure docks located around the lake for resident use. Lakewood has two pontoon boats available for rent during the summer.

LPOA ID’s are Required for Fishing in Lakewood
Fishing by members will be allowed on all lakes without a Missouri Fishing License, however, they must have their LPOA ID on them. Fishermen must follow the rules of the Missouri Department of Conservation regarding practices, limits, minimum sizes and procedures. Also, no trot line or bank lines are allowed.
Fishing Guidelines
After consulting with the Missouri Department of Conservation and our observations of the size and quality of our fish population, we have decided on the following:
It is our sincere hope that the fishing in our lakes will be much improved if everyone follows these guidelines.
Lake Education Course
Sign up to learn more about Lakewood’s safe boating and swimming procedures.
Lake Use Committee
The Lake Use Committee is concerned with all usage of the lakes and ponds in Lakewood. This shall include boating, sailing, fishing and all other lake activities and uses, and will be responsible for the following:
- Fish Habitat
- Fish Restocking Program
- Boat Slips
- Boat Racks
- Boat Docks
- Pleasure Docks
- Wildlife Abatement
- Water Quality
- Fishing Derbies
Learn About the Dam Spillway
The Dam Spillway is the largest engineering structure we are tasked with maintaining in Lakewood. Located at the North end of West Lake, under Lakewood Boulevard, the spillway and dams are structures that require ongoing maintenance and reserve funding.
As an Angler, you have an important responsibility. It’s much more than obeying fishing laws. Good Anglers also respect others, and your actions will allow many other people to enjoy fishing in our lake in the future.
An Ethical Angler:
- Respects other anglers’ rights
- Respects the rights of others who use the resource
- Respects the rights of property owners
- Keeps only the fish he/she wants
- Never wastes fish
- Releases unwanted fish carefully land unharmed
- Never litters or pollutes the waters
- Knows and follow angling and boating regulations
- Continually seeks new knowledge and skills
- Shares his/her knowledge with others
- Doesn’t release live bait or non-native fish into waters
- Promotes the sport of fishing
Lakewood Beach
4105 NW Lake Drive | Cove Aquatic Center
The Beach is located behind the Cove Aquatic Center, and includes a roped area for swimming and parking area for boats.
- To access by land: Park in the Cove Aquatic Center parking lot, walk behind the building, and go down the concrete and rocky stairway. The stairway is not ideal for strollers. All dogs must be kept on leashes.
- To access by boat: Pull into the cove, and carefully beach your boat on the sand. Be careful of swimmers, come in slowly without a wake. During pool operating hours, you can park your boat, swim at the beach, and go up the stairs to visit the snack bar and pool.
If you’re going from the beach to the pool, you must stop and rinse off your sand, under the outdoor shower spray at the top of the hill.
Pleasure Docks
Throughout Lakewood, there are 52 pleasure docks. These are considered Common Area, and all residents are encouraged to utilize them. These do not belong to any home owners, even if they are located behind a home.

All docks are accessible by platted common ground access. Not all docks have sidewalks leading to the docks from the streets. Some have asphalt city utility drives and some have just turf access. Members are expected to use platted common ground access [from the street], and not individual homeowners property to access the pleasure docks. For instance, the access to the docks on the west side of West Lake all stem from sidewalks leading from Lake Drive.
There is one dock that is ADA compliant, with a slope and handrails, located on the 7 Acre Lake on Beechwood.
Boats may only be tied to or parked at pleasure docks for a period not to exceed 15 minutes. Members and their guests are expected to exercise courtesy in the use of the pleasure docks. Explore the Lakewood Map to find out more about where your nearest pleasure docks can be found.
Pleasure Dock Replacement Schedule
All docks should be replaced by the year 2026.