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Staff & Board Updates

Committee Recruitment: Ad Hoc Security Advisory Committee

During the November 2023 meeting, President Stalnaker appointed Director Andrew Crocker as Chairperson of a newly established Ad Hoc Security Committee. Director Crocker will bring any prospective committee members to the December meeting and request ratification.

Ad Hoc committees are appointed by the Board for specific projects and tasks of a non-recurring nature. The Ad Hoc Security Committee is advisory only. This committee will bring their recommendations back to the Board at the Board’s March 2024 meeting

We are now looking for people who have an interest in serving on an Ad Hoc Security Advisory Committee. The current term would be approximately 90-120 days. If interested, please answer the following questions and submit them to the Committee Chair, Andrew Crocker at by Monday December 4, 2023.

    • Name:
    • Address:
    • How long have you lived in Lakewood?
    • Do you have a background in security, either civilian or military? If so, please describe.
    • Have you ever been a victim of a crime in Lakewood? If so, please describe.
    • Have you ever interacted with Lakewood Patrol for any type of security reason?

Please note: All applicants must be members in good standing in order to serve on a committee.