Lakewood Committees
Our volunteer-based committees are vital to maintaining our healthy and vibrant community.
Thank you to the hundreds of residents who have volunteered their time and expertise to the benefit of Lakewood!
The purposes of our Committees are as follows:
- To provide an opportunity for members to participate in the overall betterment of their community.
- To provide an avenue of open communication between members, their General Manager and Board of Directors.
- To accept specific tasks and responsibilities assigned to them by the Board and to prepare recommendations for improvement.
There are four (4) kinds of LPOA committees:
Those committees set out within the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and the By-Laws of the LPOA. These committees are ongoing and permanent. They are:
- Alterations Review (ARB/ARC)
- Appeals
- Executive Committee
- Election Committee
Standing Advisory
Those committees established by the Board for a specific service and purpose. The Standing Advisory Committees are:
- Activities Committee
- Clubhouse Committee
- Finance Committee
- Facilities Development Committee
- Insurance Committee
- Lake Use Committee
- Security Committee
Shall exist for each of the Multifamily Parcels and other areas for which Parcel status is created.
These are separate, for each parcel area. Currently there are 20 parcel Committees. Please click here to find out more about your Parcel.
Ad Hoc Advisory
These committees are appointed by the Board for specific projects and tasks of a non-recurring nature.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Are Committee Openings Announced?
Committee openings are posted through the LPOA Eblasts and through our Facebook. We will only receive Committee Applications when there is an active Committee opening.
Administrative Committees

ARB/ARC Committee

Appeals Committee

Elections Committee

Executive Committee
Advisory Committees

Activities Committee

Facilities Committee

Finance Committee

Food & Beverage Committee

Insurance Committee

Lake Use Committee