Elections Committee
“ELECTION COMMITTEE: The Board shall appoint an Elections Committee no later than three (3) months prior to the Annual Meeting. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, who may not be a Director, and members, none of whom shall be candidates for office. It shall be the duty of the Committee to:
(a) provide supervision of the nomination and election of Directors
in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board;
(b) assure timely announcement of election date to membership;
(c) ensure at least one candidate has been nominated for each
expiring seat on the Board;
(d) ensure distribution of absentee ballots;
(e) certify all ballots and proxies;
(f) certify and announce election results to membership.
(g) perform other duties as the By-Laws, Board, or policies may direct.”
Administrative Committee
Lakewood Policy #3 | Committees
Committee Structure
The committee is an Administrative Committee, required by the ByLaws. Members vary from 6-12 members. The Elections Committee follows the provisions of Standing Committees in Policy 3, including having three-year terms. Although the majority of the Election Committee’s anticipated work will occur between the months of January and April, the Election Committee will meet as needed during the rest of the year, including to help carry out special elections.
Elections Committee

Committee Members
- Chair: Lisa McCarty, 2022
- Vice Chair: Rachel Qualls, 2024
- Secretary: Mary Jane Porter, 2020
- Felipe Bautista, 2024
- Cary Corley, 2024
- Garrett Denzer, 2024
- Jay Panus, 2024
- Tom Schmidt, 2018
- Board Liaison: Kim Curran
- Staff Liaison: Sean Bachtel
Interested in serving on this committee?
About Our Annual Elections
There are three (3) Board of Directors seats up for election every year in April.
All three seats are for three-year terms. If you are interested in committing yourself to a rewarding experience in service to your community and would like to play a role in the future of Lakewood, then you might want to consider declaring your candidacy for one of the open Board of Directors seats.
Board members serve the community and shape the future of Lakewood.
Specifically, directors create the vision for the community; guide projects, programs, and services; and provide the financial oversight vital to maintaining and enhancing the Lakewood community.
Board of Directors serve both the LPOA and LHC.
The Lakewood Holding Company (LHC) d/b/a Lakewood Oaks Country Club is a wholly owned subsidiary of LPOA and therefore governed by the same Board of Directors. Election to the LPOA Board of Directors includes election to the LHC Board of Directors.
The Process of Running as a Candidate
Any LPOA resident in the correct class of membership and in good standing may run for one of the open positions. Pick up a “Petition for Candidacy” and “Candidate Questionnaire” at the LPOA offices (651 NE St. Andrews Circle) beginning January 31, of the current calendar year. File a completed petition (with at least 20 signatures of LPOA members in good standing), a fully completed questionnaire, and photo, at LPOA offices, no later than the current year’s deadline (early March). Become familiar with the Election Timetable so you don’t miss any important deadlines. Candidate information will be published in the April Ripples and on the LPOA website, along with each candidate’s three-year citation history and previous service, if any, on LPOA’s Board of Directors.
What is the Time Commitment of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets monthly for public Board Meetings, and officers of the Board will meet monthly to prepare the agenda. Directors may be asked to serve as Board Liaisons on Committees, with varying degrees of meeting time.
Annual Board of Director Positions
There are 9 members of the Board of Directors. Candidates serve in 3 year terms. They are elected in April, and officially seated on the board during the May Board Meeting. There are always 6 directors who represent the community “At Large”, and 1 director who represents each of West Lake, East Lake, and Multi-Family. Below is the rotation schedule for future positions available, and the candidates who are currently serving in those positions:
3 Candidates are Elected Each Year to Serve 3-Year Terms
2021 Elected Candidates
Dave Petet – At Large
Larry Fields – At Large
Debbie Stalnaker – At Large
2022 Elected Candidates
Jon Snow – West Lake
Tom Maloney – East Lake
James Treu – Multi-Family
2023 Elected Candidates
Andrew Crocker – At Large
Kim Curran – At Large
Rob Regier – At Large
2024 Elected Candidates
Randy Wisthoff – At Large
Drew Reynolds – At Large
Marty Nevshemal – At Large
2025 Elected Candidates
TBD – West Lake
TBD – East Lake
TBD – Multi-Family
2026 Elected Candidates
TBD – At Large
TBD – At Large
TBD – At Large