Lakewood Community Services Department
Your Lakewood Community Services Department is available to you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They can be reached at (816) 373-1500, and will respond or assist when called. The Community Services Department is responsible for enforcing our bylaw codes and policies to prevent violations.
We strive to keep the Lakewood amenities secure by doing regular patrols of the Lakewood Common Areas including the lakes, parks, pools, and tennis courts. We ensure that all of our facilities are used by members in good standing and in accordance with LPOA rules and regulations.

Contact Us 24/7
Lakewood Community Services Department
735 NE Lakewood Blvd (next to Lakewood Chiropractic)
During Business Hours: (816) 373-4343
24/7 Road Staff: (816) 373-1500
We encourage you to call the Community Service staff if you would like to report a suspected rules or property maintenance code violation.
It is important to note that Community Service staff is not a security team.
For crimes or emergencies, contact the Lee’s Summit Police Department directly at either their non-emergency number (816) 969-7390 or in the event of an emergency please call 911.
The Community Services Department Oversees our Amenities
While we are not a security team, we do strive to keep the Lakewood amenities secure by doing regular patrols of the Lakewood Common Areas including the lakes, parks, pools, and tennis courts.
We ensure that all of our facilities are used by members in good standing and in accordance with LPOA rules and regulations.
Keep Your Lakewood ID on Hand While on Common Ground
On occasion you may be asked to provide your current and valid Lakewood ID card when enjoying our common ground amenities. Please be aware that this may occur and always make a point of having your Lakewood ID on you. Non-Lakewood members cannot access our common areas unless accompanied by a Lakewood Member.
Follow Bylaws and Policies to Avoid Violations
Governing Documents
Our Services Include
Issues Fines & Points for Violations
- Inspects properties for codes violation as needed
- Conducts architectural inspections to assess possible violations
- Responds to neighbor complaints about possible violations
- Patrolling amenities and ensure rules compliance
- Checks Guest IDs at common area locations to ensure privacy
Committees & Events
- Act as Liaison for multiple committees and clubs
- Reserves sports fields (baseball & soccer) for residents
- Coordinates the 4th of July fireworks display
- Provides staff resources and coordination for all major special events hosted by committees or members
- Providing packet deliveries to Board and committee members
Architectural Review & Permits
- Provides plot plans (plats) upon request and guidance about property boundaries
- Process all improvement applications for homeowners doing upgrades
Amenity Surveillance and Home Watch
- Maintain Resident Checklist for members while they’re away from home for an extended period of time
- Maintain 7 networks of video surveillance on Amenities
- Performing Resident checks
- Patrols Amenities for well checks and surveillance
Boating & Marina Services
- Maintain electronic gate access for marinas and pools
- Maintain fleet of vehicles, boats, and rental boat trailers
- Scheduling pontoon trailer rentals
- Maintain Storage Lot
- Opening the Marina Gates in order to inspect boats and for members and to remove or launch their boats. Call (816) 373-1500 and our staff will be happy to meet you at the marina.
- Opening the Storage Lot for Lakewood members to access the area
Seasonal Staff Changes
Department staffing increases during the boating and swimming season by hiring seasonal staff from mid-May to mid-August due to increased volume of lake usage, pontoon rentals, and potential violations.
Additionally, the pools are staffed with gate attendants to check in members and their guests during pool hours.
Follow our Job Postings, or contact to learn more about how to prepare for a seasonal position.
Contact Us
If you need assistance or have a question about any of the above listed services, please reach out to our Community Service office staff at (816) 373-4343 it is our pleasure to assist.