
Zebra mussels are one of the biggest threats to our aquatic ecosystem.

Currently Lakewood is one of the only remaining lakes in the region that has not been contaminated. Zebra mussels have a tremendous negative impact on aquatic ecosystems, changing the quality of the water, outcompeting native freshwater mussels, and reducing the plankton available that form the basis for fish life.

Learn about Zebra Mussels from the Missouri Department of Conservation.

All boats coming in through the Boat Ramps must be inspected, as well as all watercraft entering the lake.

To keep this process as efficient as possible, we ask membership to “Clean, Drain and Dry” their boats and trailers between bodies of water. The following tips will help ensure our lake remains free of this invasive species, and to quickly serve our members when entering the exiting the lake.

If the boat has been in foreign waters:

    • Power wash the craft and trailer at 140 degrees temperatures, flushing the motor and live wells
    • Allow time to dry prior to launching at Lakewood

Prior to staff inspection at time of launching, ensure:

    • The boat, trailer and any other equipment are clean and can likely pass the inspection
    • There is no standing water, weeds or plants attached to either the trailer or boat

To get through inspection, ensure:

    • Ensure that the trailer and boat are properly licensed
    • That a currently Lakewood sticker is attached
    • That you carry your valid Lakewood I.D. when approaching the gate. No one without a valid I.D. will be allowed to launch, regardless of the condition of the craft and trailer

If Zebra Mussels are found during inspection, the craft will need to be washed and quarantined, as defined by LPOA rules and regulations. The incident will be reported to the Missouri Department of Conservation as well.

View Lakewoods Policies on Zebra Mussels

Lakewood Guidelines for Combatting Zebra Mussels

Rules and Regulations | Article II 2.180
Zebra Mussels Combative Measures

In an effort to prevent the intrusion of invasive species such as Zebra Mussels, LPOA has developed the following guidelines for any watercrafts placed on the Lakewood lakes:

(a) All watercraft or equipment entering the Lakewood perimeter, prior to launching on the Lakewood lakes, must be cleaned, drained and dried. This will involve a thorough power-wash of trailer and pontoons/hull of boat. In addition, all live wells will be washed and flushed, all internal compartments inspected for standing water, and the engine will be washed and flushed.

(b) Watercraft will be inspected by Lakewood Staff prior to launch.

(c) If, during inspection, an adult Zebra Mussel is found on the craft, the craft shall be quarantined for a period of 5-30 days, depending on ambient temperatures and conditions. The Missouri Department of Conservation will also be notified of the finding. In addition, at the sole discretion of LPOA Staff, a watercraft may also be quarantined should they believe that launching the craft would compromise the health of the lake in any way.

(d) All contractors performing repairs, maintenance, construction or delivery of
watercraft or equipment used at a Lakewood lake must notify the LPOA Administrative Office and must only use designated LPOA Trailers. Any expenses incurred as a result of this process will be the responsibility of the LPOA Member.

(e) All boats removed from the lake via trailer may opt to receive an LPOA Band that connects the boat to the trailer. Only craft that have an intact band, or that have just passed a wash inspection, will be allowed to launch onto Lakewood Lakes. Bands will be installed by LPOA Staff upon removal of the craft from the lakes or after passing an LPOA performed wash/inspection.

(f) Members will be charged all fees associated with power washing and quarantine storage, if any.

Failure to comply with 2.180 will result in a $5,000,00 Citation, an accumulation of 12 points, and loss of LPOA amenity privileges.

Lakewood Policy #22 | Invasive Species

Purpose: To establish the policy and procedures governing LPOA’s prevention of Zebra Mussels and other invasive species. Please click here to view Policy #22.

Failure to comply will result in a $5,000.00 Citation, automatic accumulation of 12 points and loss of amenity privileges.

Access to Ramps

When requesting access to the ramps, please call Community Services. Please call at least 20 minutes in advance to launch or remove a boat from the water.

Contractors on the Lake

Coordinate any work done by contractors with LPOA staff. Contractors will not be allowed access to the lake without inspection and the member’s permission.

Zebra Mussels in the Region

Zebra Mussels have been found in many surrounding lakes. Click here to review the press release about Hillsdale Reservoir near Topeka KS in 2016.

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