The Bayview Clubhouse Closed
The Bayview Clubhouse reached the end of its life cycle and was torn down. Originally the Bayview Clubhouse was built by the Bayview Parcel developers as a part of The Lakewood Bay Townhome Parcel, and the Bayview residents requested support in funding the facility very quickly after it was built. They eventually gave ownership of it to the LPOA. But neither the Parcel residents or the LPOA had established a reserve fund to replace the clubhouse at the end of its life cycle. During this time, it had been housing the Lakewood administrative staff, and this caused them to relocate to the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse (LHC facility). The Lakewood Oaks Golf Course was acquired in 2007, which was very timely, because there would have been no other place to house our staff in 2010 when the Bayview Clubhouse closed. With the merger of staff into the LHC facility, LPOA began paying rent to the Lakewood Oaks Golf Club (LHC) at a reduced rate. Rent was paid to follow the IRS tax code and maintain arms-length transactions with payment in return for services.