Lakewood Financial Reports are Now Available Online
Financial records have always been available to members in the LPOA office as hard copies. Beginning in 2024, as a part of our Communications Plan, LPOA financial records will be made available online below.
LHC financial records will be available online, in the Residents Only section.
LPOA Financial Documents
Operating Budgets
This is a consolidated view of the annual budget of all departments, including both the LPOA and the LHC. This represents recurring, routine, annual operating expenses, including dues revenue, payroll and miscellaneous expenses. Operating Budget recommendations are generated by the Finance Committee in collaboration with Staff and the Facilities & Development Committee. The budget planning process goes from Aug-Nov each year and recommendations are presented to the Board every November to be approved for the following year.
Budgets - Operating
- Consolidated Budget 2024
- Consolidated Budget 2023
- Consolidated Budget 2022
- Consolidated Budget 2021
- Consolidated Budget 2020
- Consolidated Budget 2019
- Consolidated Budget 2018
- Consolidated Budget 2017
- Consolidated Budget 2016
- Consolidated Budget 2015
- Consolidated Budget 2014
- Consolidated Budget 2013
- Consolidated Budget 2012
- Consolidated Budget 2011
- Consolidated Budget 2010
Capital Expenditures Budget
(aka Lakewood Improvements Program)
The Capital Expenditures Budget is commonly referred to as our Lakewood Improvements Program (LIP). This budget represents capital projects, debt and reserves allocations, as well as planned one-time expenses as determined by the LIP budgeting process each year. Recommendations to this budget are analyzed and generated by the Facilities & Development Committee, along with collaboration from Staff and Resident LIP Proposals. Capital Expenditures recommendations are presented to the Board in November for approval at the Budget Meeting. There are two types of views:
- The 10 Year Rolling View is a simple chart that is submitted for Auditing purposes that shows long term plans, also called the Facilities Development Budget.
- The Annual Spending & Reserve View is an internal working document used by Staff and Committees for analysis and data. It tracks all incoming LIP requests from Staff and Residents, predicts ongoing projects, and includes extensive details about whether projects will be funded by reserves, dues, or are earmarked for reserves in the future.
Budgets - Lakewood Improvements Program (LIP)
Reserve Studies
Lakewood commissioned our first professional Reserve Study in 2015 and then ordered another one in 2019. These examine all the property, capital projects and amenities throughout our community, and help us to build a stable and equitable multi-year funding plan for the association’s major repair and replacement expenses. This plan takes into account the end-of-life and replacement schedules for amenities, so we can prepare in advance for major expenses. Things omitted from the scope of this professional study include major Dam Spillway projections and some lake management procedures such as Cove Desilting. These studies help to provide direction for the Capital Expenditures Budgets.
Reserve Studies
Auditor’s Reports
This long process begins after year-end (approximately February). LPOA and LHC both work separately with our independent auditor. A preliminary Audit Report is presented to the Board for approval in the August Board Meeting of the year at hand, along with tax returns for Board approval. This is an extensive independent review of all accounting procedures, and the Audit Selections Tax Form we receive each year may request all or some of the following:
- Trial balances for the year
- Detailed General Ledger reports
- All the leases and amendments to leases
- Select samples of expenses (usually over certain dollar amounts and/or policy limits)
- They review expenses from specific dates early in the year (like Jan/Feb) to confirm that each approval was actually posted in the correct year
- They verify only if we’ve closed year end – we make sure to hang onto invoices for things that come and go
- Copies of all board minutes – checking every motion made in regard to financially related matters
- They review all account-related write offs to match board approvals
- They make sure all our line items are approved in accordance with our policies
Once the Board approves the Audit in August, the auditor then publishes the Final Report, along with Tax Returns. Additionally, both audits from LPOA/Parcels and LHC are combined into a format to show the financial status of the combined organization. This report is crucial for banks, lenders and the board to see the overall health of the combined organizations.
Auditors Reports
Annual Reports
This is prepared by the General Manager, on behalf of the Treasurer of the Board and the Finance Committee Chair for the Annual Meeting held every April. This is created after the year-end is finished. We use this Annual Meeting to finalize the prior year, and to announce new board members. Beginning in 2024, complete updates were provided in a presentation by staff for all 10 budget departments, and by volunteers for all 11 Committees from LPOA and LHC. The Annual Meeting is presented first, followed by the results of the Election season.
Monthly Financials
The monthly financial activity for LPOA includes the following:
- Balance Sheet (about 8 pages)
- Income/Expense Statement, Summarized (about 13 pages)
- Income/Expense Statement by Department (about 18 pages) (departmental details began being published during mid 2022)
These are usually available about 30 days after the closing month. Beginning in 2018, these reports started being added online in PDF format. All records prior to that can be accessed via the Books & Records policy. Monthly financials are prepared by our contracted CPA firm.
Monthly Financials
- 2025 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2024 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2023 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2022 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2021 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2020 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2019 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2018 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2017 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2016 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2015 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2014 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2013 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2012 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2011 LPOA Monthly Financials
- 2010 LPOA Monthly Financials
Public Budget Meetings (Nov)
Each year in November there is a Public Budget Meeting for the residents, hosted by the Finance Committee and Facilities & Development Committee. During the powerpoint presentation, they walk through the Operating Budget and Capital Expenditures Budget recommendations, and explain projections for the year. Residents are encouraged to ask questions. The Budget is then presented to the Board for approval the following week during the regularly scheduled November Board Meeting.
Lakewood Holding Company
(aka Lakewood Oaks Country Club)
All important documents and financial statements for the Lakewood Holding Company will be kept password protected in the Resident Login section of the LPOA website. The LHC is a privately operated business.
There are 19 Parcels in Lakewood, and they all have their own financial statements. To access these and get analysis, please contact your Parcel Chairperson for the most recent information. You may also contact Machelle Seiler at the Lakewood Office at or by calling (816) 373-4326.
Learn about our Policies on Books & Records
Below are the various Lakewood policies on Books and Records, and details around which reports might be confidential or protected.
- Prior to 2015, all financial records were available in hard copy in the office.
- In 2015, a limited portion of LPOA financial records were made available online.
- Beginning in 2024, all LPOA records will be made available online here.
- LHC financial records will be made available behind the password protected Resident Login area.
Our Accounting and Auditing Processes are Robust and Extensive
Our bookkeeping process is done with monthly oversight by an off-site CPA, and is audited annually by independent Accredited Auditors.
We conduct business internally with many layers of checks and balances, dividing our accounting roles among several staff members as best practices for safety and security. Many accounting firms outside the LPOA have praised our extensive books for their detail and thorough nature. We are now making them easily available online for you here, as part of our ongoing transparency program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Financial Report Contributors
LPOA General Manager: Mark Reid
LPOA Accounting Officer: Machelle Seiler
LHC Office Manager: Kem Jackson
Chair of Finance Committee
Chair of Facilities Committee
Accredited CPA’s: Spilker McKeone & Nelson P.C.
Independent Auditor: Marr & Company, P.C.