March 2024 LPOA Board of Directors Meeting Debrief
LPOA Board of Directors
Meeting Debrief
March 14, 2024
LPOA & LHC Board of Directors Monthly Meetings | April 11• May 9 • June 13 | 6:30 PM at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse
View the official minutes from the February meeting by clicking here: LPOA | LHC
No Room Fee for Clubs and Committees
The 50+ Ladies Club was recently approved for use of banquet rooms with no room fee for a dance. A motion was passed to allow 3 more quarterly events for this club in 2024.
Lakewood Shores Villas Covenant Amendment
The Parcel Committee is in contact with the developer of the parcel to discuss amending their supplemental DCC&R’s. A motion was passed to remove this item from the agenda, as the parcel is working through the developer to make appropriate amendments.
Clubhouse Deck Replacement
The 2023 Lakewood Improvement Program (LIP) budget contained funding for deck replacement at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse. A motion was passed to direct staff to get bids for exact replacement and bids for an expanded deck.
Visions Program 2030
President Stalnaker and the GM have been working with planning and survey professionals to move forward with crafting a 10 year plan for Lakewood. This item was tabled.
Phase III Clubhouse Remodel
A motion was passed to table this item and to direct staff to bring potential designs of an initial concept for the banquet rooms, hall and Argyle.
LPOA Policy 3 Update – Communication Recommendation
As Staff and Committees have implemented the recommended methods for communicating open committee positions, a motion was passed to close this item and remove it from the agenda.
New Bobcat Purchase
LPOA Maintenance Department requested approval of expenditure of $64,036 plus sales tax for purchase of a T64 Bobcat Compact Track Loader. This item was approved in the 2024 LIP. After review of bids and lease options, a motion was passed to approve the purchase.
Williams Appeal of ARB/ARC Decision to Approve Deck at 3514 NE Kingwood Place
Mr. Williams appealed the decision by ARB/ARC to approve a new deck at a neighboring property, citing sight line restrictions as basis for appeal. A motion was passed to uphold the decision of the ARB/ARC.
Hunsucker Request Annexation Into Lakewood
The property is outside of, but borders LPOA property on the south end of the association property. A motion passed to direct staff to get Mr. Hunsucker an estimate of costs associated with annexation procedures and to do due diligence on the subject property.
Approved New Finance Committee Members
A motion passed to ratify Carol Di Raimo, Kathleen Heydon, Byran Lambkin, Heather Eslick, Marty Nevshemal, and Sharon Lewis as members of LPOA’s Finance Committee, as recommended by the committee.
Approve New Ad-Hoc Vision Steering Committee
A motion passed to approve a new Vision Ad-hoc Steering Committee, as recommended by President Stalnaker. This committee is tasked with promoting the 10 year plan and interviewing Planning and Survey professionals to create recommendations for the Board of Directors. President Stalnaker will serve as a non-voting Chairperson and Vice-president Snow will serve as Board Liaison.
Falls Request for Pleasure Dock and Sidewalk
The Falls at Lakewood Parcel has requested a pleasure dock and sidewalk be placed by LPOA on their common element, Tract A. A motion passed to table the issue and direct staff to hire an engineer to get plans and cost.
Triple Net Lease Format for 2025 Clubhouse Lease Agreement
A triple net lease template was presented to the Board, from LPOA legal counsel. A motion passed to table the item for comments from Board members.
Swim Team Request for Practice and Meet Times
A motion passed to approve the proposed practice and meet times, as submitted by the Swim Clubs, including meet make up dates to be the Thursdays following each scheduled Wednesday meet June 5 through July 10. Additionally, the July 3rd meet was moved to July 2nd due to the holiday.
Appointment of 2024 LPOA Appeals Committee
A motion passed to appoint Steve White, Brett Emison, Tony DeMarco, Jeri Taul, Jerry Baxter, Kate Simonette and Donna Goodman to the 2024 LPOA Appeals Committee.
Pool Management Contract Approval
Bids were reviewed, and a motion passed to approve a 3 year contract with Olympic Pool Management for $180,000.00 in 2024, with $5,000.00 annual increases through 2026.
Lakewood Bay Parking Lot Maintenance
Bids were reviewed, and a motion passed to accept the bid from Tandem Paving in the amount of $30,514.00 for asphalt parking lot repairs, with $20,514.00 paid from parcel budget and $10,000.00 paid by LPOA due to a prior agreement.
2024 LIP – 7 Acre Dock on Hold Status Check
The replacement of a 7 Acre Lake Dock has been on hold, and staff requested further direction. A motion passed to remove the item from the agenda and place the $23,000.00 in approved 2024 LIP into the Pleasure Dock Reserve Fund.
2024 LIP – Purchase of Tractor/Front End Bucket/Mower
Bids were reviewed and a motion was passed to approve the purchase of a John Deere Tractor with Frontier Mower in the amount of $72,147.00 plus sales tax.
2024 LIP – Purchase of Main Pool Deck Surface Refinish
A motion passed to make exception to LPOA Policy 9 and accept the single bid for $26,366.00 due to the unique nature of the service.
2024 LIP – Purchase of Main Pool Diamond Brite Floor Plaster Repair
A motion passed to make exception to LPOA Policy 9 and accept the single bid for $19,929.00 due to the unique nature of the service.
2024 LIP – Community Service Request Expenditure of Funds for Replacement Vehicle
After reviewing bids, a motion passed to purchase a 2024 Toyota Tacoma for $25,000.00 after trade, plus sales tax.
2024 LIP – LPOA Parking Lot Maintenance Bids
After reviewing bids, a motion passed to accept the bid from Hanrahan Paving in the amount of $18,676.00 for the Cove Aquatic Center and East Lake Marina parking lot resurfacing.
Official Board Minutes will be approved at next months meeting.