September 2024 LPOA Board of Directors Meeting Debrief
LPOA Board of Directors
Meeting Debrief
September 12, 2024
LPOA & LHC Board of Directors Monthly Meetings | October 10 • November 14 • December 12 | 6:30 PM at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse
View the official minutes from the August meeting by clicking here: LPOA | LHC
Consent Agenda
Under the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the 8/8/24 Board Meeting Minutes and 9/3/24 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. They approved the appointment of Terry Erbe, Carol Allman, and Scott Spiwak to the Lakewood Bay Parcel Committee, and accepted the resignation of Kaye Barrett and Robin Jones from the Lakewood Bay Parcel Committee.
East Lake Pool Parking Lot Expansion
A motion was passed to table this item to October.
Ad-hoc Playground Committee Update
A motion passed to table this item to October.
Lake Management Program
A motion was passed to table this item to October and approve a $100,000 placeholder in the 2025 budget for Lake Management.
Request for Adult Only Swim Times
A motion was passed to table this item. The Board requested additional counsel from Legal and they asked Staff to estimate costs for LPOA Staff and Lifeguards outside of normal business hours.
Process Audit
A motion was passed to close this item and removing it from the agenda.
Post-Feedback Modifications to Proposed By-Laws Amendments
A motion was passed to table this item to October.
Election Committee Recommendations
A motion was passed to table this item to October.
Nomination and Approval of New East Lake Board Member
A motion was passed to approve the nomination of Johnathan Buschmann to fill the remaining term of the East Lake Director on the Board.
Re-evaluation of using LOCC Clubhouse for Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
A motion was passed to approve having two events in the Banquet Room of the Lakewood Oaks Country Club. One for Standing and Advisory Committee Volunteers and one for all Parcel Volunteers. Cost to be budgeted into the 2025 Operating Budget.
Policy 21 Changes
A motion was passed to approve this item and the amendments to Policy 21 and Policy 3 as presented.
Elimination of Policy 18
A motion was passed to approve this item and eliminate Policy 18.
Lakewood Ladies 50+ Club Requesting No Fee Use of All Banquet Rooms
A motion was passed to approve this item for the Lakewood Ladies 50+ Club Dances for No Fee Use of all three Banquet Rooms for the following dates: 3/6/25, 6/5/25, 9/25/25, and 12/4/25. Costs to be budgeted in the 2025 Operating Budget.
Pasturing of Chickens HB 2062 Section 442.404
A motion was passed to approve this item to authorize Staff and Legal to allow the Association to join their voice to the petition to reverse this Section 442.404 and allow HOA’s to continue to have the right to prohibit this activity. A second motion was approved to amendment the ARB/ARC Guidelines as submitted.
LPOA Employee Health Care Policy Renewal
A motion was passed to approve the Blue Cross / Blue Shield Renewal.
Chapel Ridge Hills and Woods Re-zoning by Kevin Higdon
A motion was passed to table this item and to authorize Staff to send a letter to the City Council stating that the Association does not support the 3rd Plat of the Chapel Ridge development and that the Developer should be bound to the agreement and approval of the 2nd Plat which the Association supported.
Discussion of New Staff Position: Assistant GM
A motion was passed to direct Staff to begin preparing a budget and cost with a detailed job description and remand to the LHC Board for possible inclusion in the LHC 2025 Operating Budget.
Lakewood Bay Request
A motion was passed to approve this item and the expenditure of $45,000 to Holliday Concrete LLC.
Search Committee Update
A motion was passed to accept the contract as presented by OMNI and allocate the funds from the Vision Reserve Funds in the amount of $30,000.
Steffen Appeal
A motion was passed to deny this item and uphold the Appeals Committee’s decision of 9 points and $150 in fines.