August 2024 LPOA Board of Directors Meeting Debrief
LPOA Board of Directors
Meeting Debrief
August 8, 2024
LPOA & LHC Board of Directors Monthly Meetings | September 12 • October 10 • November 14 | 6:30 PM at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse
View the official minutes from the July meeting by clicking here: LPOA | LHC
Consent Agenda
Under the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the 7/11/24 Board Meeting Minutes and 7/30/24 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. They approved the ratification of Sarah Dau to the Forest Parcel Committee and accepted the resignations of Barb Burns from the Election Committee and Bruce Jones from the Lakewood Bay Parcel Committee. Ratification of Duane Stephens, Josh Nixon, Doris Weilert, Barry Mayer, Bret Collins, Piers Denney and Tony DeMarco to the LPOA Security Committee was also approved.
East Lake Pool Parking Lot Expansion
A motion passed to table this item.
Ad-hoc Playground Committee Update
A motion was passed to table this item.
Lake Management Program
A motion was passed to table this item and schedule a meeting the Lake Use Committee to further discuss.
Request for Adult Only Swim Times
A motion was passed to table this item.
Process Audit
A motion was passed to table this item.
Consideration of Expanding the LPOA Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
A motion was passed to approve funding in the amount of $18,600.00 in the 2025 operating budget for offsite venue to accommodate all LPOA volunteers.
Policy 5 and Boat Slip Lease Agreement
A motion was passed to table this item and direct staff to draft appropriate amendments for review.
Request for Breast Cancer Mobile onsite in the EL Marina Parking Lot
A motion was passed to approve the mobile mammography coach to by located in the EM parking lot, as requested by the Lakewood Ladies 50+ Club.
Lakewood Entry Monument Landscape Concepts
A motion was passed to approve the design submitted by Rosehill in the amount of $8,200.00 for the landscaping of the fountain entry monument.
DiPardo Appeal of ARB/ARC Decision
A motion was passed to deny the appeal, and uphold the ARB/ARC decision to approve the installation of a hot tub at 4505 NE De La Mar Ct.
Bradley Appeal of LPOA Appeals Committee Decision
A motion was passed to rescind 3 points, but uphold 9 points and $375.00 in fines for failure to display watercraft registration.
Hayes Review of Violation of Boat Slip Lease Agreement
A motion was passed to terminate the Hayes slip lease agreement for violation of paragraph 4, and declare boat slip I-4 vacant.
2023 Audited Financial Statement
A motion was passed to approve the 2023 LPOA audited financial statement from Marr and Company.
Proposed By-law Amendment
A motion was passed to approve the pending amendment to LPOA By-laws and publish to membership. Item will be brought back for final amendment in September.
2024 Election Committee Recommendations
A motion was passed to table this item.