Annual Business Events
Our annual schedule of meetings and processes is recurring and predictable. Please view below to learn about the annual processes we go through regarding elections, budgets, and more.
Check out all of our events, meetings and office closures in one place.
Election & Finance Events
Board of Directors Election Cycle
[Jan-April] Each year in April, three (3) Board members are elected. Our Board consists of 9 members, each serving 3 year terms, with elections rotating in 3 directors each year. The (volunteer-based) Election Committee plans and organizes the election process. Candidate applications are typically due around January, and elections are held in April. Election results are always announced at the Annual Meeting, held on the 3rd Thursday in April, and then seated during the regular monthly May Board Meeting.
Annual Meeting (Public)
[3rd Thursday of April] This Annual Meeting of the Members, held by the LPOA Staff and Board Members, is required by Missouri State statute in accordance with our 501c7 status. The Annual Meeting is used to present an update on the year in review, through the Annual Report, as well as updates from LPOA Board, Staff, and Committees. It is also where the Annual Board of Director election results are announced. This meeting requires a 10% quorum of membership to be official (ie, at least 240 residents must submit Proxies during the annual elections in order to make the meeting official).
Lakewood Improvement Proposal Requests
[Due July 31st] Residents have the opportunity annually to submit proposals for projects or improvements around Lakewood with the Lakewood Improvement Proposal form. The Facilities & Development Committee will begin meeting in August and start the process of sorting through the requests that were submitted in July.
These requests, submitted by members, committee’s and staff, will typically have a price tag of 10 times that allowed by LPOAs budget. Improvement projects must be carefully considered and analyzed for level of importance and urgency. Items concerning safety, or those necessary to the operation of the association will be considered first. Residents can find out which projects were adopted into the budget by attending the November Budget Meeting presentation.
Annual Budget Process
[Aug – Nov] Each year the Annual Budget process is resumed as a collaborative effort by the Finance Committee, Facilities & Development Committee, and Staff. The Finance Committee meets quarterly throughout the year to evaluate and make recommendations on the Operating Budget. The Facilities & Development Committee meets occasionally throughout the year to make recommendations on the Capital Expenditures Budget (aka, the Lakewood Improvements Program Budget).
These two committees will make recommendations in collaboration with the Staff, to present recommendations to the Board in November. This Budget is presented to the membership at the Annual Budget Meeting, held 1 week prior to the November Board Meeting. Residents are encouraged to attend, watch the presentation, and ask questions.
The internal Budget Planning & Approval Process is a timeline of internal dates that are followed by the Committees who are collaborating with each other about the budget.
Budget Meeting (Public)
[1st Thursday of November] The Budget Meeting is held annually for the Public. The meeting is a joint presentation by the Finance Committee & the Facilities & Development Committee. They present a powerpoint and walk through the recommendations for the Operating Budget and Capital Expenditures budget for the following year. Residents are encouraged to attend the presentation and ask questions. The budget will then be presented to the Board of Directors for approval during the Monthly November Board Meeting (2nd Thursday of the month).
Recreational Events
Boat Slip Reassignment Event
[3rd Thursday in Feb] This event for Boat Slip Lessess is scheduled every year on the 3rd Thursday in February. This event is held in person, and attendees are asked to rsvp for the event and signup online in advance to attend. Based on seniority, the boat slip lessees in attendance will get the option of relocating their slip to any newly available slips.
4th of July LPOA Pontoon Rental Lottery
[By June 3rd] There’s a high demand for 4th of July Pontoon Rentals. Therefore we host a lottery annually to ensure even distribution of the pontoons. 30 Days prior to the 4th of July holiday, on June 3rd, 5 PM, lottery entries are due to the office. The due date will be the previous Friday if it falls on a weekend. Lottery entries will be entered into a random drawing, by name and time slot. You can stop by the LPOA Office and enter your name into the lottery or call the office at (816) 373-4326 and request an entry. *You are not required to come into the office to sign up for the lottery!* Watch emails and social media for announcements, or call the office for details.