Finance and Appeals Committees are Seeking New Members
Hello Residents!
We have two Committees seeking interested individuals to become committee members—the Finance Committee and the Appeals Committee. You may read more about each below.
LPOA Finance Committee
The resident must be a Lakewood member in good standing. The Finance Committee is an advisory committee concerning financial matters to the LPOA Board of Directors. The committee provides guidance to the Board in the development of the annual Lakewood operating and improvements budget, the annual audit, and makes recommendations on user fees.
The Committee meets quarterly to review the Lakewood financial results and several times during the operating budget development.
Interested residents should fill out a Committee Interest form by Friday February 2, 2024.
LPOA Appeals Committee
Per the LPOA By-laws, an Appeals Committee is appointed each year by the LPOA Board of Directors.
The Appeals Committee is an Administrative Committee, and is tasked with holding hearings for members who wish to appeal citations and points assessed to their accounts for various violations of LPOA’s Governing Documents. The Appeals Committee determines whether or not to uphold the citations issued by staff, or to reduce or rescind them. This committee meets fairly infrequently, but is an intricate part of LPOA’s governing structure.
If you are interested in being considered as a member of this committee for 2024, please
complete a Committee Interest Form and submit it no later than Thursday February 1, 2024.
If you have questions regarding the committee structure or duties, please feel free to contact Sean Bachtel at sean@lpoa.com or 816-373-4343. One or both positions can be applied for using the Online Committee Interest Form.