July 2024 LPOA Board of Directors Meeting Debrief
LPOA Board of Directors
Meeting Debrief
July 11, 2024
LPOA & LHC Board of Directors Monthly Meetings | August 8 • September 12 • October 10 | 6:30 PM at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse
View the official minutes from the June meeting by clicking here: LPOA | LHC
Consent Agenda
Under the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the 6/13/24 Board Meeting Minutes and 7/2/24 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. They approved the ratification of Ashley Linhart and Jessica Jobe to the Ad-hoc Play Park Committee and accepted the resignations of Laura Connelly from the Lakewood Forest Parcel Committee and Jeri Taul from the Falls Parcel Committee. Ratification of Duane Stephens, Josh Nixon and Tony DeMarco to the LPOA Security Committee was removed from Consent and placed in New Business.
Request for Pleasure Dock and Sidewalk in the Falls at Lakewood Parcel
A motion passed to table this item.
East Lake Pool Parking Lot Expansion
A motion passed to table this item.
Ad-hoc Playground Committee Update
A motion was passed to table this item.
Lake Management Program
A motion was passed to table this item.
Security Committee Ratification
A motion was passed to table this item.
Steffen Appeal of Appeals Committee Decision A
The LPOA Appeals Committee rescinded 3 points and 75.00 from the original 6 points and 100.00 issued. A Board motion passed to uphold the Appeals Committee’s decision.
Steffen Appeal of Appeals Committee Decision B
The LPOA Appeals Committee upheld 6 points and 150.00 in fines. The Board passed a motion to uphold the fines, but reduce the points to 3.
Members Appealing Board Decision to Remove Funding for 7 Acre Lake Dock Replacement
A motion was passed to release the funds from the Pleasure Dock Reserve Fund to replace the 7 Acre Lake Dock that was removed last year.
Ad-hoc Visions Committee Recommendation and Funding
A motion was passed to approve $25,850 for the Vision Committee to retain the services of Shockey Consulting Firm.
• Steering Committee Recommendations
• Shockey Consulting Proposal
Storm Clean up Funding
A motion was passed to fund a further $73,500.00 to be taken from LIP, Desiltation Funds.
License and Easement Agreement with Developer of Woods of Chapel Ridge Phase II
A motion was passed to direct staff and legal to enter into a license and easement agreement with the developer for the purpose of installation of storm drains.
Consideration of Expanding the LPOA Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
A motion was passed to direct staff to investigate costs and event space for a possible expansion.
Request for Adult Only Swim Times
A motion was passed to direct staff to investigate cost and staffing needs.
Process Audit
A motion was passed to table this item.
Dock Repair
A motion was passed to modify the prior motion to accept the $53,831 increase to the LPOA Maintenance Dept. Operation Budget and take the funds from the Marina Reserve Fund.
Policy 5 and Boat Slip Lease Agreement
A motion was passed to table this item.