June 2024 LPOA Board of Directors Meeting Debrief
LPOA Board of Directors
Meeting Debrief
June 13, 2024
LPOA & LHC Board of Directors Monthly Meetings | July 11 • August 8 • September 12 | 6:30 PM at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse
View the official minutes from the May meeting by clicking here: LPOA | LHC
Consent Agenda
Under the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the 5/9/24 Board Meeting Minutes and 6/4/24 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. They approved the appointment of Justin Eslick to the 2024 Appeals Committee, ratified Kaye Barrett and accepted the resignation of James Treu from the Lakewood Bay Parcel Committee, and ratified Terry White, Angela Brown, Paula Austin, Alicia Johnson, and Jessica Irman to the Ad-hoc Play Park Committee.
Request for Pleasure Dock and Sidewalk in the Falls at Lakewood Parcel
After staff met with the City of Lee’s Summit and determined that the sidewalk would not be required, the consensus of the Board was to close that item and remove it from the agenda. On the matter of the request for a pleasure dock, the Board passed a motion directing staff to work with engineers to determine the necessary design of a potential dock in that area.
Proposed Amendment to LPOA By-laws – Max Spending Authority Without a Vote of Membership
A draft amendment to the By-laws Article VII was presented, which would essentially enact a vote of membership for expenditure of $1,000,000.00 or more for a capital expenditure of a “new” amenity. A motion was passed to accept the amendment as presented and publish to membership.
Proposed Amendment to LPOA Policy 3 – LPOA Security Committee
An amendment was presented to the Board adding the Security Committee to LPOA Policy 3 permanently, along with a request to ratify the 7 members who had served on the Ad-hoc Committee for a standard 3 year term. The ratification of members was denied, however a motion was passed to amend LPOA Policy 3, with instructions to staff to advertise the positions for 3 week.
Proposed Amendment to LPOA By-laws – Max Spending Authority Without a Vote of Membership
A draft amendment to the By-laws Article VII was presented, which would have the Board enact the collection of reserve funds as required and essentially enact a vote of membership for expenditure of $1,000,000.00 or more for a capital expenditure of a “new” amenity. A motion was passed to accept the pending amendment and to publish in the Ripples prior to enacting.
Appeal of Assessment by Owner of Lot 13A in the Enclave Parcel
The owner of this vacant lot submitted appeal of the April Board directive to charge full dues on this lot. The Board passed a motion to deny the appeal.
G Dock Replacement Funding
G Dock sustained serious damage during the storm on Memorial Day Weekend and was temporarily repaired by staff. The Board passed a motion to approve staff to contract repairs with Tiger Docks, with a budget not to exceed $50,000.
LPOA Retention of Tax Attorney
A motion was passed to approve D. Scott Lindstrom with Polsinelli Firm to be the Tax Attorney of record for the LPOA and to use $11,500 from Vision Reserve to the 2024 Operating Budget for funding.
Special Assessment against the member of the Enclave Parcel
A motion was passed closing this item and removing it from the agenda at the request of the Parcel Members.
Option One Concept to Extend Clubhouse Deck
A motion was passed to approve further extending the clubhouse deck across the cart path, with total cost of $95,563 for the deck and $22,000 for the additional furniture cost to be split per the lease addendum A at $81,707 and $35,856 from LPOA & LHC respectively.
East Lake Pool Parking Lot Expansion
Due to City of Lee’s Summit engineering requirements to install previous pavers and drainpipe to allow for detention and shift storm water flow, this previously approved project is underfunded and now carries a total anticipated cost of $339,109. The Board passed a motion directing staff to go back to the city and request an exception to their engineer’s decision.
New Ad-hoc Playground Committee
A motion was passed to table this item to July and allow time for the newly ratified members to begin meeting.
Lake Management Program
A motion was passed to direct staff to solicit proposals from Lake Management Companies in order to begin the process of getting a comprehensive written program to address lake vegetation treatment, etc.
Policy 6 Review
This policy came under review to change the timeline of distribution of draft budgets in October. Since those dates are in a separate document, the annual Budget and Planning Schedule, the dates can be moved without amendment to policy, therefore no action was required.