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Facilities & Maintenance

Fall Brush & Yard Waste Reminders

As fall rolls in, we’d like to remind our residents that we have a strict no dumping policy for yard waste and brush on common ground, and to not block up storm drains when using leaf blowers or raking out lawns. Go here to recycle yard waste bags: $1/bag Lee’s…

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Staff & Board Updates

2023 Communications Plan

This week the board approved a new Communications Plan that will provide a complete overhaul to our infrastructure in how we communicate important information to our members. This is in response to requests for overall increased communication and transparency about our board policies, finances, and strategic planning. Highlights of this…

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Staff & Board Updates

Anatomy of a Board Meeting

Your LPOA/LHC Board is comprised of nine (9) directors. Each year, officers are elected by the board – President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers make up the Executive Committee. Meetings are facilitated by the President or other Officer. LPOA board meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of…

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