October 2024 LPOA Board of Directors Meeting Debrief
LPOA Board of Directors
Meeting Debrief
October 10, 2024
LPOA & LHC Board of Directors Monthly Meetings | November 14 • December 12 • January 9 | 6:30 PM at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse
View the official minutes from the September meeting by clicking here: LPOA | LHC
Consent Agenda
Under the Consent Agenda, the Board approved the 9/12/24 Board Meeting Minutes and 10/1/24 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. They approved the change in name from the Food and Beverage Committee to the Clubhouse Committee.
East Lake Pool Parking Lot Expansion
A motion passed to table this item while staff works with the city to get a waiver on the water detention requirements.
Ad-hoc Playground Committee Update
A motion was passed to table this item while the final drawings and the bid package is being prepared.
Lake Management Program
A motion was passed to close this item and bring back in 2025 once funding is approved in the 2025 operating budget.
Post-Feedback Modifications to Proposed By-law Amendments
A motion was passed to table this item to continue soliciting public comments
Amendment to ARB/ARC Guidelines
A motion was passed to approved the amendment to ARB/ARC Guidelines, Section IX, Part D. Staff continues to follow the petition to amend or repeal the House Bill progresses.
Chapel Ridge Hills and Woods Re-zoning by Developer Kevin Higdon
A motion was passed to give association approval to the re-submitted 3rd Plat of Chapel Ridge.
Election Committee Recommendations
A motion was passed to table any recommendations by the Election Committee, and a second motion was passed to ratify Felipe Bautista, Cary Corley, Garrett Denzer, Jay Panus, and Rachel Qualls to the Election Committee and for the Committee to consider interviewing the remaining candidates that submitted applications.
White Appeal of ARB/ARC Decision to Disapprove Stone Bench and Steps on Common Ground Behind 4610 NE Dick Howser Cir.
A motion was passed to uphold the ARB/ARC decision and deny the request.
Ladies Mahjong Request for No Fee Use of Augusta Room
A motion was passed to approve the dates and times the club requested, with the exception of when a paying event may require the room.
Sievers Appeal of ARB/ARC Decision to Deny Application for a 5’H Fence at 4125 NE Edgewater Ct.
A motion was passed to overturn the ARB/ARC decision and to approve the application as submitted.
Parcel Budget Approvals
A motion was passed to approve the budgets and assessments for the Forest, Lakeshore Townhomes, Villas at Lakewood, Woods of Chapel Ridge Phase One, Lakewood Shores, Landings, Waters Edge, and the Falls Parcels, and to table all other parcels until budgets are received.
No Fee Use Approvals
A motion was passed to approved the No Fee Use groups as submitted.
User Fees
A motion was passed to approve the LPOA User Fees as recommended by the LPOA Finance Committee.
LPOA Policy 5 Amendment
A motion was passed to table this item while the Board solicits comments from Committees.
2025 Boat Slip Lease Agreement and Policy 5 Amendment
A motion was passed to table this item and for staff to draft language for co-PRIMARY lessees that addresses dissolution of the co-Primary status and return to boat slip waiting list.
LPOA Master Insurance Policy Renewal
A motion was passed to approve the renewal as submitted with further direction to continue to seek an additional G/L Umbrella policy.
Member Request to Return Common Ground to Wooded Area
A motion was passed to deny this request.