Tree Management in Lakewood
Over the last couple of years, it’s clear there’s been an uptick in tree removals around the neighborhood—and the Lakewood Maintenance team takes careful deliberation of each tree removal; be it partially or fully dead, or infected with one of the major tree blights affecting three different tree species in the past two years especially. Those would be the Emerald Ash Borer, Dutch Elm Disease and Oak Wilt Disease (the latter two being a fungus).
When it comes to trees or landscaping on common ground, Lakewood Maintenance has full reign and right to remove plants or trees they deem problematic—or ones that will prove problematic in the near future. This doesn’t mean trees or landscaping are cut down irresponsibly—you will never see a healthy tree getting cut down. Again, only dead, dying, or diseased trees will be removed. Lakewood Maintenance is not required to inform nearby residences of tree removals or changes to landscaping.
Tree planting is a slow and involved process—new trees need to be watered twice weekly in Summer and once weekly (on average) when it’s cooler. This roughly amounts to 5 gallons per caliper inch up to 10 inch diameter. And it cannot be watered all in one fell swoop, or the water will simply evaporate or run off before it can properly reach the roots which need it. That means tree watering bags (which essentially drip feed new trees) need to be refilled constantly. It’s time consuming and costly—so we try to strike a balance of planting what can be reasonably be managed by existing staff on the existing budget.
For residents, the tree removal and request of removal process for trees on their property is based largely on the same criteria. Unless the tree is dead, dying, or diseased, ARB/ARC approval is needed in order to remove a live, healthy tree. That form can be found at the Main Office or online here.
Lakewood would not have its name if not for the natural beauty and presence of its trees, and we do our best to make sure we have a healthy ecosystem of them as the environment changes and develops.