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April 2024 LPOA Board of Directors Meeting Debrief

LPOA Board of Directors
Meeting Debrief

April 11, 2024

LPOA & LHC Board of Directors Monthly Meetings | May 9 • June 13 • July 11 | 6:30 PM at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse

View the official minutes from the March meeting by clicking here: LPOA | LHC

Clubhouse Deck Replacement

The 2023 Lakewood Improvement Program (LIP) budget contained funding for deck replacement at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse. A motion was passed to direct staff to get bids for exact replacement and bids for an expanded deck. Staff presented the Board with drawings for exact replacement of the deck and an alternate plan to expand the deck. The Board passed a motion to send both plans out to contractors to solicit bids for both replacement and expansion.

Visions Program 2030

The Visions Ad-hoc Committee Chairperson, President Stalnaker and Liaison Vice-president Snow recommended that members be ratified to the committee. The Board passed a motion to approve Jamie Wheatley, Diana Ewert, Jen DeMarco, Sean Johnson, Claudia Lamb, Robert Hagedorn, Josh Williams, Carole Gray, Aaron Potter, Beth Cory, Sarah Dau, and Sherrie Fields.

Phase III Clubhouse Remodel

Tyler Hiatt, Architect, from Rose Design and Lakewood’s design professional, Kelly Lankford presented potential designs of an initial concept for the banquet rooms, east hallway and Argyle. The Board passed a motion to remove this item from the agenda and directed staff to get pricing and plans to submit in the 2025 LIP.

Hunsucker Request Annexation Into Lakewood

The Board passed a motion accepting the ARB/ARC recommendation to deny the request to annex 100 NE Strother Road into LPOA, based on multiple compliance issues and lack of access to the property.

Request for Pleasure Dock and Sidewalk in the Falls at Lakewood Parcel

The Board passed a motion to table this request as staff works with the City, our Civil Engineer, and survey company on requirements, design, placement and feasibility of the sidewalk and dock.

Triple Net Lease Format for 2025 Clubhouse Lease Agreement

A triple net lease template was presented to the Board, from LPOA legal counsel. A motion passed to table the item with directions to amend the document and remove some lagging figures and percentages and add an Appendix that details space allocation, fair market value of base rent per square foot, and a listing of all Common Area Maintenance, utilities, fees and services that will be covered by the lease terms.

East Lake Village Basketball Court Repair

A motion passed to approve the request for the Dobbs Overlay System on the basketball court in the amount of $37,248.00, and to table the request to Repurpose the ELV Tennis Court with Pickleball lines and removable nets, and for staff to consult with Tennis Club.

Review of Current Officer Positions

A motion passed to consider removing Director Maloney from the office of Treasurer, and by secret ballot, Director Maloney was removed from that office. Director Treu was nominated to the office, and was elected by acclimation.

Enclave Parcel Builders Dues

A motion passed to being charging full dues on the vacant lot in the Enclave effective May 1, 2024.

Mom’s Club Request for No Fee Use of Clubhouse

A motion passed to approve the Moms Club request for three banquet rooms free of room fees for their planned January 2025 event.

Proposed Amendment to LPOA By-laws – Max Spending Authority Without a Vote of Membership

A motion was passed to table this amendment and to direct staff to draft an amendment incorporating Dir. Petet’s suggestions for a cap on Board spending on Capital Expenditures ($1M) without a vote of membership.

2024 LIP – Purchase of Ventrac Aera-vator

A motion was passed to approve the purchase of this equipment for aerating and seeding common ground in the amount of $11,956.00.

2024 LIP – Contract De-siltation of Lower Woodridge Pond

A motion was passed approving expenditure of $46,034.00 to hire Pond Doctors to desilt this pond.

Ad-hoc Security Committee Conclusion and Recommendations

A motion passed to thank this Ad-hoc Committee for their work and to dissolve the committee. A second motion was passed to draft an amendment to Policy 3 and consult with LPOA’s Insurer as to the possible inclusion of this committee on a permanent basis, and to bring this information back to the Board in May.

Official Board Minutes will be approved at next months meeting.